Your voice is like an echo of a lullaby
It's fair to say this black shirt and denim shorts have become part of my everyday look recently. But teaming them with pastel colours and an adorable little flower crown really helped enhancing my mood today, especially since I'm trapped in the house and I've pretty much lost my voice, boohoo.
Now this may be the strawberry strepsils talking, but I've been feeling strangely attracted to pink hair recently. With celebrities such as Ellie Goulding, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga looking pretty in pink, whose to say if this trend's to stay, or if it's to be stayed away from? Now in my potentially delusional state, dying my hair pink probably isn't the cleaverest idea, but I think if it's done right it can look really pretty. This isn't to say I'm gona rush out to the hairdressers, candyfloss in hand, and demand they bleach my barnet to match, but it is an idea I'll be toying with for a while...
You're an uninvited clown.
One of my favourite things about autumn is getting to wear my beloved grandad cardigan again... although I didn't love it so much this morning, when it made me sneeze 16 times in a row. I guess it was punishing me for leaving it in the dusty confines of my wardrobe for so long. Normally I wouldn't let myself be outwitted by winter wear this easily, but right now I'm too cold to care... I've been getting a lot of attention over my Union Jack nails this week - pretty patriotic huh? ;) I've been wanting to paint my nails like this for ages now, and since I bought a white nail art pen last week there was really no excuse not to. It was really time consuming though so I went with polka dots for the rest, buuut I might do a tutorial for the Union Jack design if any body's interested??

Anywhoo, on a quick fashion note, I just had to share with you my obsession for the SS'12 collection from "Band of Outsiders". I don't think there are enough words to describe how much I love this. I used to think that clothes had to be loud and unusual to be exciting, but I've grown to feel there's a certain beauty within the understated, and for me, this collection is the perfect embodiment of that. The thing that struck me the most about it was the wearability factor. I've had a thing for androgynous styling for a while now (*que epic rant on the brilliance that is D&G AW/11, along with the immense awesomeness of "The Kooples" - which I'll have to save for another post...) and seeing the way that different design houses adapt this trend has really inspired me. There also seems to be a slight Alexa Chung-esque aesthetic buried within the collection, which probably wasn't intentional, but it just makes me love it all the more.
... S'all for now folks. Enjoy the weekend!
EDIT: I've been trying to return comments but I'm having trouble posting on certain blogs. I have no clue why, the comment just doesn't load ...anybody else having a similar problem?? :/
x x x
DIY△nosaur bag.
Say "hello" Seb! ... Oh no wait, he can't, he has a head full of fluff - oh wow, just like me!
(see how we were made for each other :')
And here's the original dino bags in all their shining glory...
image via weheartit.com
x x x