Maroon Dress - Topshop . . . Black Cardigan - H&M . . . Blue Blazer - Debenhams . . . Cream Shirt + Tapestry Bag - thrifted. 

Hah, I think I look a bit like an air-hostess in this outfit, ahh well that's my tragic attempt at sophistication over then... please excuse my cliche 'panic posing' too. When the self timer starts flashing I'm like a deer in headlights - pretty much stunned and clueless.
I bought that dress last weekend; the colour was irresistible, and the simple cut makes me feel rather reminiscent of Holly Golightly's little black number in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", oh how I love that film...
Speaking of filming, Wednesday's video shoot went well, it was freezing but I think we've got all the footage we need. Argh, I've got so much coursework to do over Christmas it's unbelievable! But I suppose whilst every one's stressing about their January exams I'll be locked up in the library lumbered with a ridiculous pile of essays and sketchbooks to complete. I've also got to compose a portfolio for an interview I'm yet to apply for, not because I'm incredibly organised, the total opposite in fact. All other people I'm aware of applying for this course handed in their application's weeks ago and are now calmly awaiting their interviews. The longer I leave this the riskier it gets, but worse case scenario I end up with a gap year. I like to imagine I'd travel and have wild adventures and end up in Swedish tea rooms with bizarre men named Sven and go cliff diving and eat snails, as all the best nomads do... hah, if my imaginary gap year was made into a TV show I like to think it'd be something like "An Idiot Abroad" crossed with "Skins". Oh yessss, I assume you'd all be watching intently? Or not. Most of the shots would just be me harassing strangers, asking random (all be it vaguely inappropriate) questions, and basically making a total idiot out of myself.... so no different from usual then.
(p.s. sorry about not being able to comment on my last post, I turned the comments off by mistake but thanks so much for your lovely messages, you're all adorable! ;) Truth is I've been feeling a little unconfident about my blog recently, I wish I had time to do more outfit posts but my style's all over the place so you're not missing out on much, I've got a few other posts ready in my drafts folder so brace yourselves for whatever randomness makes 'the final cut'... I swear I agonise over what to post or what to say waaaay too much, eurgh I really gota snap outa this...)
(p.p.s you're totally epic if you got through all of that, sorry that I've babbled so much but my mind's in a minor state of chaos.)
Ciao ciao.
x x x