...and then my donkey fell down your waffle hole.

I went to see Shrek 4 today... t'was alright. To be honest I kinda lost interest after the second one, but going to the cinema is always fun.
Popcorn + Ben & Jerry's ice cream = yummmm ;)
Ooh but movie you've all got to see is Toy Story 3 - it doesn't matter how old you are, trust me, it's ah-mazing! Tehe, I'm still a child at heart... even though in two months I am officially an adult! Eeeek!

Anywhoo, this is what I wore today... I haven't done an outfit-related post in a while so I felt like I had to briefly reassure you guys that I have, in actual fact, been wearing clothes these past few weeks, and I haven't moved to some sort of nudist camp... I know, I'm disappointed too, but like ta-dah!

* Blazer - Debenhams
* Chiffon Blouse - H&M
* Cut-off Levi's - COW Vintage
* Jewellery - Miss Selfridge

TTFN m'dears x x x


Teenage Wasteland

Sorry to swamp you with pictures but I went to the SPLENDOUR festival in Nottingham at the weekend. We saw acts like Calvin Harris, The Noisettes, Athlete, OKGO, and The Pet Shop Boys. The Noisettes were incredible live! And we met one of the members of OKGO backstage - he was so friendly and down-to-earth. When you see people on stage it's like they're put up on a pedestal - like they're more than human, but when we spoke to the guy he just seemed... normal. I don't know why I was so surprised, I always thought that fame changes people, but he seemed pretty humble. You've all heard of OKGO right? Video with the treadmills? If not you absolutely have to check it out here.

This is the top I wore - when I first saw it I thought that it wasn't exactly my style but I tried it on anyway and really liked it. I've been trying to put a limit on my spending lately... as you can see, it's not working. Sometimes I feel like the girl from the movie 'Confessions of a Shopoholic' - living in a material world, where everthing I own somehow defines me. Except I don't imagine the manequins are whispering in my ear like sirens of the super store... not all the time anyway ;)
Do you ever feel paranoid that the manequins come to life at night? ...Nope? Oh, me neither then.

x x x


Honesty Award

Hey everybody! Sorry I've been MIA for the past two weeks but I've finally broken up for summer now so hopefully I'll be posting more often! Thanks to everyone for being so patient with me, and hello to my new (as of a few weeks ago) followers! tehe.
Welcome to the madness that is my blog :D

Sooo, I was tagged by the lovely Erimentha from 'The Little Blog of Happiness' with the 'Honesty Award' quite some time ago - I've never actually been tagged with an award before, so this is pretty exciting for me! First off, I need to tag six other lovely bloggers with the award (who have to answer the questions (in bold) in a post of their own) ... so I'm gona tag; Abi, Bea, Catherine, Gem, Sophie, and QuiteQuaint.

Share one thing nobody knows about you.
Hmmm, well I'll share one thing that no one on here knows / has realised... I've never had my ears pierced *gasp*
OK that's not too astounding, but it surprises a lot of people.

What's your biggest regret in life?

I'll admit I've made some mistakes, things I just can't change, but I'm trying my hardest to be happy. Because being happy doesn't mean having everything be perfect, it's accepting that it's not and making the best of it. I spent too much time living in the past, when I just want to live in the here and now, because here and now is where I am, and it's where I'll always be, like how a star's marked out in history... it's strange to think, but when you look up at the stars tonight you're watching history in the making. The further out into the sky you look, the further back into time you can see. Pretty magical right?

Honestly, Doctor Who told me... in the big magical box.... that we call the TV ;)

What would you do with a thousand dollars?
I'd swim around in a bath filled with a thousand dollar bills... mwahaha.

If you could go back in time, would you still pick the person you are with right now?
I'm not with anyone right now, but even if I was I wouldn't change a thing, not one single moment. It's not whether somethings meant to happen, it's whether it does. I'd rather believe in a million alternate realities and hope that I'm in the one where everything works out fine, and even if I'm not, then I'm determined to have one hell of a good time ;)

What do you like about my (the taggers) blog page?
I love the way that Erimentha's blog is so sweet, honest and inspirational - just like her! Plus the title alone puts you in a good mood ;) if you haven't heard of 'The Little Blog of Happiness' check it out here!

(p.s. I do not own these images, I found them a while ago from various sources which I can't remember, but if you see your photo and want it taken down then please tell me and I'll remove it asap, thanks!)

x x x


Visions so insane - they travel unravelling through my brain

Sorry for the lack of posts lately m'dears, but I have a good excuse - I've been at a fashion summer school this week!
Yeahhhh, it was... strange. I want to study fashion at university, but not there... the place was lovely, the people about town were nice, even the four bus rides (just to get there) weren't so bad, but the course itself... well, it was a bit of a let down. I'm proud of the outcome and all, but the experience as a whole left me feeling a little dissatisfied, though I can't quite explain why...

On the first day we were put into small groups and had to identify current trends, and then set up mood boards for our favourite styles. This is the collage I made for 'the romantic look', which was used to inspire our group's dress design.

We weren't allowed to use paper patterns due to the lack of studio time, so we had to invent the dress using circles of fabric instead. It was a pretty manic process; involving a lot of sharp needles, broken sewing machines and fraying fabrics - but despite those minor catastrophes we managed to finish just in time for the photo shoot.

So without further ado, I present our dress... The Iridescent Rose.

Here's a few pics of our model Jordan wearing the dress. A pro photographer did the shoot but we don't get to see those photos until next month, so you'll have to bare with my happy-snappy shots in the mean time :)

In retrospect I think the dress would have looked better if it was a little longer, maybe even floor length, as we were working with a sort of prom theme - but it's not too bad, as long as you don't bend over... or breathe too much ;) tehe.
I'm off to bed now 'cuz I am absolutely exhausted. Hope you're all having a lovely week :)

x x x

p.s. thank you for the lovely comments on my previous post! I'll reply to them asap - which may turn out to be at a snails pace, but I will, I pinkie promise... oooh can't break it now, that stuff's legit you know ;)