What I'm Wearing; Shirt - Thrifted (£2.85), Vintage Levi Shorts - COW, Blazer - Debenhams sale (£15), Bowler hat - H&M, Brogues - Peacocks, Black ribbon - lying around the house, Badge - from a random jewellery shop (free!)
If you're wondering why the badge was free it wasn't because I used a cheeky five-fingered-discount, but because I bought a load of broken jewellery (for my college art project) and the woman behind the til was so grateful she let me have a set of faux military badges for free. Ah-woo-hoo!
Sorry for my moody expression in the last shot... and my daft posing in general, tehe. When the self timer starts flashing my brain fizzles out from normality, the realms of creativity seem to implode, leaving nothing but a kooky impulse pose and a dazed pout. So ermm, tah-dah!
I'm off to a pre-halloween sleepover soon - have a spook-tastic weekend everyone! ;)
x x x