Ooh I'll warn you now, this is an epically long post, but half of it's photos so I won't mind if you skip past my incessant rambling, tehe.
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Wow, so yeah, I went down to London last weekend! (...'cuz traveling on a coach for 9 hours is always fun)
We went to Madame Tussuad's Wax Works and the London Eye - both major London tourist locations, so doubtless to say it was ridiculously crowded.
Just before boarding the eye I was suddenly struck by an immense (somewhat casually reoccurring) fear of heights, and felt a little freaked out by the fact I'd soon be hovering above London in a giant glass torpedo.
There was that horrific moment when I was stepping on board and it was still moving round so I literally had to leap across the platform, over the 'death drop' (...ok, so maybe there was a teeny-tiny gap - but in my head it was like the ground had opened ready to swallow me whole!)
But ok, mellow drama aside it was actually quite fun; taking lots of photos, getting a birds-eye-view of the city, and trying to start a Mexican wave with the people in the carriage above
... which didn't work.
It was verrrry disappointing.
After watching an episode of Dr Who ages ago (the one where the wax dummies came to life and attacked everybody) I couldn't help feeling the slightest bit paranoid whilst wandering through Madame Tussuad's... well, I say wandering... frantic shuffling and stumbling into strangers sounds a bit more realistic. You'd be surprised how aggressive people get when they want their photo taken with a wax celebrity.
I was a little overwhelmed at first, but after being shoved in the ribs half a dozen times the chaotic crowd mentality set in and I thought "Right, this means war!"
By the time we reached the Hollywood section, I felt the urge to scream "Mwahaha, the race is on!" as my eyes locked with a nearby tourist, who I've affectionately nick-named 'dude in the Hawaiian shirt'. He wasn't your average dude in a Hawaiian shirt, he was some sort of super tourist, with the power to weave his way through crowds at top speeds (raging up to 1mph!)
It was an epic race (shuffle) towards Marilyn Monroe. Which I won, of course... but only because the poor guy tripped over his own feet, tehehe.
And my prize? Well, probably not my dignity, but rather an impossibly blurry, zoomed-in photo of the side of my face... wow, thanks mum.

This is what I wore - pretty basic but it was cold.
I am madly in love with that bowler hat, it's like 'the hat next door'. You know, the one you've secretly admired for years but never had the courage talk to... I mean, purchase. I don't talk to my hats... that's crazy.
Hmmm, yeah, crazy.
It makes all my others jealous 'cuz it's just that fan-tabby-tastic.

Anywhoo, TTFN m'dears!
x x x