Space Cadet Style & Born Pretty Watch

Pearl Cat Ears - ASOS 
Petite Nasa Badge Print tee - Tee & Cake
Holographic Skirt - Topshop 
Pink LED Wristwatch* - c/o Born Pretty

S'up bloggerverse (slang for the blogger universe as I've recently heard). I've finally taken some outfit photos in my new room with my fairy lights (which have since stopped working *sad face*) although what to do with myself as the self-timer flashes away is still an issue. These photos below make it painfully clear I don't know what to do with my arms, although I've found a great use for them recently as it turns out they make excellent watch holders.
I love my new wristwatch from Born Pretty, it's pretty quirky but not too overstated and tells the time by lighting up LED dots diagonally across the watch face, which alternate between a.m. and p.m. The wrist strap's made from pink rubber, which is surprisingly comfortable and sets quite a statement. It's awesome cuz it makes me feel like a spy / super trendy space cadet. And what would a space cadet be without her NASA tee?  Which is another recent purchase of mine that I'm over the moon about (ooh space jokes, nobody saw that one coming ¬.¬)
I've never had an LED watch before, nor have I seen a design quite like this. It kind of has this retro vibe, like how people in the 60s though the future would look, which is what inspired my outfit today. If you're maybe looking for a new watch or even a gift for somebody else I'd definitely check out the Born Pretty website - they have a great range of affordable women's watches and a really cute selection of bracelet watch styles, so if you find something you like you can use my code LORNAC10 at the checkout to get 10% off, what a stellar deal! (okay I'll kill it with the space puns now).